Cloud Elements Extends SAP S/4HANA With 3rd Party Integrations

#ICYMI: The SAP S/4HANA Element is the latest addition to our catalog, further enabling enterprise scale integration capabilities. As enterprise organizations continue to transition more services to become accessible from the cloud for their customers and employees, the rate of integrating, governing, and orchestrating data between ERP and non-ERP is exponentially rising. However, there are some interesting nuances to this Element compared to other Elements in our catalog that are worth calling out.

For a bit of background, SAP S/4HANA is the core ERP to many of the largest organizations in the world, automating and centralizing all aspects of their business. Because of this, the range of use cases and implementations of S/4HANA stretch across every vertical and type of business you can imagine, from sports cars to software to scented oils.

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