The Role APIs Play in a Target Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) Transaction

#ICYDK: This is a demonstration of a hybrid API banking implementation to handle a TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS) between a customer and retail store. Providing a walk-through of what is involved with a common everyday transaction that many of us take for granted, and is enabled by a variety of API-driven solutions. The goal with this demonstration is to help provide a narrative for why banks should be investing in their API infrastructure, including the next generation event-driven infrastructure, that helps augment operations, making things more automated and real-time.

Retail Instant Payment Transactions At Louis Vuitton

This Retail Instant Payment Transactions At Louis Vuitton is meant to provide a demonstration of the role that APIs play in everyday retail transaction, showcasing how our lives are enabled by web infrastructure that exists all around us in the physical world. Illustrating in detail how we depend on APIs, but also how event-driven API infrastructure can help ensure that the proper transactions occur where and when they are needed to keep our lives moving forward.

API Security Weekly: Issue #9

#ICYMI: Vulnerabilities

If you are using Kubernetes, you should install a patch for it as soon as possible. There was a huge privilege escalation vulnerability that got fixed this week. The flaw allows attackers to contact Kubernetes API server using a non-privileged account and then get high-privilege operations forwarded to backend services. Even worse, the calls are not showing up in server audit logs or server logs, making the attack hard to detect.

Abraham Ingersoll from Gravitational published details here: