5 Web Service Testing Tools

#ICYMI: Web services are a standard when it comes to the design and development of API interfaces between enterprise software applications, which is why there are several web service testing tools that provide the testers with the ability to design and execute software tests. In this article, we present 5 tools to test web services, specifically SoapUI, JMeter, Postman, SoapSonar, and Wizdler. These tools provide various capabilities to cover all types of web service tests that can be performed, such as functional tests, service simulation (Mocking), security evaluation, and load and performance tests.


SoapUI is one of the tools to test web services, which allows you to design web services tests of SOA and REST architectures. You have been on the market since 2005. With SoapUI, you can try web services in the SOAP, REST, JMS, and AMF protocols, and you can also make HTTP(S) calls for web applications and JDBC for databases. It has a free version and a professional version (the latter has a cost). https://goo.gl/jzSqxg