Kubernetes and MEAN Stack for Microservices Development

This article focuses on an end to end solution using Angular4/Material for UI, NodeJS/Express for middleware, MongoDB for storage, and Docker/Kubernetes for container-based deployment. While the solution provided is not so much a 12-factor app nor follows microservices guidelines, it lays out a foundation and gets you a quick start on an end to end containerized sample.

With fully functional end-to-end solution it helps to see all moving parts to quickly get a hold on concepts. This article focuses on critical and helpful details only, to complement already available wealth of documentation on the web. https://goo.gl/VMMZTc #DataIntegration #ML

Automatically send an Email notification to line manager via Workflow in Account application

In release 1708 the Recipient Determination to “Reporting Line Manager” in Opportunity is available: However for Account application, there are only six available determination rules available in standard. Suppose we need to support the following scenario: Max is Jerry’s manager. When Jerry has changed a given kind of Account in system, Max will get an email notification triggered by workflow. The general idea to fulfill this requirement is to introduce a logic which could automatically make Max as one member in Account Team table in Account TI by a small development in Cloud Application Studio, so that the existing functionality provided by Workflow framework could be leveraged to send notification. Here below is the solution. 1. Create a new custom Party Role Code and define it as Recipient determination in Workflow rule edit UI by following this blog Custom recipient determination in workflow rule done on Account BO. Of course you can also use standard role code. 2. Create a beforeSave script file on Root node of Customer Business Object: import ABSL; import AP.PC.IdentityManagement.Global; var managerExists = this.CurrentEmployeeResponsible.Where(x=>x.PartyRoleCode.Contains(“ZJE”)); if( managerExists.Count() http://bit.ly/2y99nGK #SAP #SAPCloud #AI

MuleSoft Exception Strategies

Every developer has the intent to write good quality code, but there are always unknowns which can result in errors. How developers handle errors depends on them.

MuleSoft provides various options for handling all different types of errors. Mule has various exception strategies available which can be configured while building your applications in Anypoint. https://goo.gl/EbW2e8 #DataIntegration #ML