Republicans Propose Mandatory E-Verify

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa,, has reintroduced legislation which would require employers to use the federal government’s E-Verify program to determine if workers are authorized to work in the United States.

Viewpoint: HR as Toxin Handler

Toxin handlers are workers who “voluntarily shoulder the sadness, frustration, bitterness, and the anger that are endemic to organizational life”–and many times, those workers are the organization’s HR professionals. How and why does HR do this work, and what does it mean for HR’s emotional health?

Viewpoint: Why Millennials Hate Waiting and What HR Can Do About It

While there’s universal disdain for waiting in line until the next career move, Millennials have the lowest threshold for the associated pain. After all, they’ve grown up in the express line where instant gratification is the norm. Here’s how to keep them engaged and growing as they wait for career advancement.