API Management Design Patterns for Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation (DT) has become a buzzword in the tech industry these days. The meaning of DT can be interpreted in different ways at different places, but simply, it is the digitization of your business assets with the increased use of technology. If that definition is not simple enough, you can think of an example like moving your physical file/folder-based documents to computers and making them accessible instantly rather than browsing through thousands of files stacked in your office. In a large enterprise, this will go to the level where every asset in the business (from people to vehicles to security cameras) becomes a digital asset and instantly reachable as well as authorized.

Once you have your assets in digitized format, it is quintessential to expose that digital information to various systems (internal as well as external) through properly managed interfaces. Application Programming Interfaces (API) are the de facto standard for exposing your business functionalities to internal and external consumers. It is evident that your DT story will not be completed without having a proper API management platform in place. https://goo.gl/AHrYPC #DataIntegration #ML

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