Webhooks and Event Types from the API Rock Stars

We’ve spent lots of time showcasing the event-driven infrastructure from the API providers in different business sectors, and now we wanted to take some time to showcase where the leading API providers are going with their approaches. There is a lot to learn from the most successful API providers out there, and it pays to check in on what the rock stars are up to when it comes to event-driven approaches to operating API platforms. There are five providers we like to think of as API rock stars, all of which have implemented Webhooks to support their operations:

* Twilio Webhooks — SMS, voice, and push technology for messaging applications.
* SendGrid Webhooks — Email push technology for transactional messaging applications.
* Stripe Webhooks — Payment push technology for driving commerce applications.
* GitHub Webhooks — Infrastructure push technology for orchestrating our systems.
* Slack Webhooks — Chat and message push technology for orchestration collaboration.

Once you dive in deeper into these APIs, you begin to learn more about the meaningful events that these platforms let their consumers subscribe to: https://goo.gl/1nwomZ