25 Most Relevant Topics That Real-Time API Events Would Have An Impact On

#ICYDK: Do you already have a list of topics that you know could be made better but turning them into real-time API events? We are continuing to profile and add APIs to the Streamdata.io Gallery. As we add more entities and topics to the mix, we are always working on ways of measuring, analyzing, and understanding which topics are most relevant. Depending on the industry or layer of our society, the importance of different topics will vary. Today, we wanted to look at the digital bits flowing around online that make the biggest impact on our personal lives, no matter which industry we work in.

To help us think through which of the APIs we are profiling, and making more discoverable, we went through the over 400 topics, and extracted the 25 topics we felt were most important to us on a daily basis: https://goo.gl/BtdpPm #DataIntegration #ML

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